Technical Information

What are the advantages of cold heading pressure riveting nuts

author :小编  date :2020-01-14 23:51:15  clicks

Cold heading pressure riveting nut, many buyers may not know what is called cold heading pressure riveting nut, what kind of screw. Below is a brief introduction to what is called cold heading pressure riveting nut. Briefly, there are two combinations and three combinations of combination screws. The head has a round head, that is, a pan head and an outer hexagon head. Cold heading pressure riveting nut refers to disc head screw or hexagon bolt with elastic flat pad rub teeth composed of three combinations.

The effect of cold heading pressure riveting nuts is also very simple, that is, fastening to join the goods. Because be smooth mat to rub good tooth to go up in screw, when using need not match smooth pad. And in the application, combination screw has a particularly large effect, that is, anti - loosening effect.

The advantage of cold heading pressure riveting nut lies in the application, which saves the time of matching elastic pad by hand, and improves the screw efficiency of some electrical and electronic manufacturers. Have a few to use the manufacturer with screw especially much, when hitting screw, some commodity go up is demand to cooperate smooth pad to use. One by one. This is time-consuming, laborious, and expensive.


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